Magnolia - 木兰属

The classic magnolia is M. grandifloria “Gallisoniensis”, with pyramidal crown, ovar evergreen leaves, dark green with brown underside, 12-15 cm long. The flowers are 20-25 cm wide, bloom during the summer and have 3-12 petals with yellow stamens. The fruits are reddish, ovoidal, grouped in clusters 10 cm long. Grows in every acid, siliceous and cool soils, it is planted singly in parks and gardens. Among the others magnolias we found deciduous magnolias. Native to the Far East, they flower very early in spring, almost always beforethe leaves appear. Some flower again in summer but the second blooming is less showy. They love fertile, cool, deep soil which stays moist but which is also permeable. They don’t like limestone, especially the varieties with tulip-shaped flowers. They can be divided into two groups: the first group includes varieties with star or lily shaped flowers which have a compact shrubby habit, or are small trees, and can be used planted singly on lawns or with other spring flowering shrubs, from Bamboo to Japanese maples. The second group includes varieties with flowers the shape of tulips (x soulangeana and its hybrids), which have a shrubby habit up to the 10th to 15th year and then become arborescent. They can be planted singly on lawns or as bushes or shade trees near buildings because their roots do not damage foundations or obstruct drainpipes.


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